
Module Contents

class pigeon.database.models.DBManager

Handles interaction with databases.

dbtype: str
dbapi: str
location: str
engine: sqlalchemy.Engine
models: list
classmethod connect() None

Checks if database exists and connects to it to check if connection is possible.

property current_metadata: sqlalchemy.MetaData

classmethod execute(statement) sqlalchemy.CursorResult
classmethod execute_and_commit(statement) sqlalchemy.CursorResult
classmethod autocommit_execute(statement) sqlalchemy.CursorResult
class pigeon.database.models.Field(field_type, **kwargs)

Singular field in database model, only used to compute sqlalchemy.Column objects for database schema

generate(name: str | None = None)

Creates a sqlalchemy.Column object using the column name and the data passed to the class upon initialization

class pigeon.database.models.Model

Relation in the database

classmethod generate(metadata: sqlalchemy.MetaData) sqlalchemy.Table

Transforms the fields to sqlalchemy.Columns objects


metadata – sqlalchemy.MetaData object used during table creation


sqlalchemy.Table object representing the Model

classmethod column(name: str) sqlalchemy.Column

Returns column with the given name.


name – The name of the column

classmethod select(columns=None)
classmethod delete()
classmethod insert()
classmethod update()
classmethod all() list
class pigeon.database.models.ModelObject(model, exists=True, **kwargs)

Object that represents a row in a table defined by a Model, can be edited and saved back to the database

save() None

Saves the object to the database (updates/inserts the row)

delete() None

Deletes the object from the database (deletes the row)

static from_rows(rows, model)
class pigeon.database.models.Query(query, model, returns=False)

Represents a sql query, can be executed.

execute() list[ModelObject] | sqlalchemy.CursorResult

Runs the query and returns the result. If the query is ought to return valid data for ModelObjects, a list of ModelObjects created from the data will be returned instead

where(*args, **kwargs)
order_by(*args, **kwargs)
values(*args, **kwargs)