
Module Contents

pigeon.shortcuts.render(template, context: dict, status: int = 200) pigeon.http.HTTPResponse
pigeon.shortcuts.error(code: int, request: pigeon.http.request.HTTPRequest | None = None) pigeon.http.response.HTTPResponse | str

Returns the HTTPResponse for the error code provided, request parameter optional

class pigeon.shortcuts.HTTPRequest(method: str, path: str, headers: dict = None, get: dict = None, data=None, files=None, protocol: str = '1.1', content_type=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pigeon.http.message.HTTPMessage

An HTTP message (obv either response or request)

property is_error
class pigeon.shortcuts.HTTPResponse(headers: dict = None, data: str = None, status: int = 200, cookies=None, protocol: str = '1.1', content_type=None, **kwargs)

Bases: pigeon.http.message.HTTPMessage

An HTTP message (obv either response or request)

property is_error
class pigeon.shortcuts.Log(name, color='#ffffff', subname='')
max_name_length = 15
off_color = '[#8888aa]'
critical(*args, end='\n', subname='')
error(*args, end='\n', subname='')
warning(*args, end='\n', subname='')
info(*args, end='\n', subname='')
verbose(*args, end='\n', subname='')
debug(*args, prefix='', end='\n', subname='')
sublog(*args, color='white][/', end='\n')

For log messages that give extra context and details on the previous logmessage. They will only be logged if the previous log message was logged as well.

action(*args, end='\n', subname='')
ask_user(*args, end='', subname='')

Waits for input of user [y/n] returns True or False dependent on input